Got a new bike on the cheap. Checked a few things, decided to give it a tester run up to North Hollywood. It rained a bit. I broke down. I was saved. I was hungover. It was a blast.

Friend told me the more you break down, the more you realize the less you need. I don't know this bike yet. I brought alot.

Battery was slowly dying. Fouled plugs. South Los Angles.

I need knew alt shoes, and possibly a volt regulator. No headlight from hwy5/101 north split to alverado. Spitin and sputtering, splitin lanes and backfiring right next to car windows. Trying to hold the laughter in and push it the last ten miles. No go. Party's on ice. Thanks for the lift Jeff.

Good friend's give you a cold beer to take with you to their shower. Thanks Danny "Limetime" Mcginnis.