Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sandy Eggos

Went down to San Diego on the Sunday after the show to see the sd family, shoot "Chief", and try not to get roped into working on a boat. Two for three ain't bad.
I wish i remembered the name he gave him self when I lived in Ventura. Toki, or chochi, or maki.
The oldest of the Perich Brothers. For more on their crazy adventures, go here perich brothers (and sister)
Everything you need, and nothing you don't. I swear.

Lurking in the shadows. Five and a half more years.
Monumental discoveries.
Grinding disc killer.

The circus was in town. But I don't think it left.
If you joined the navy on the west coast, Between 1923 to the late 70's you more then likely got sent here: Naval Training Center San Diego
Proud chief.

1 comment:

Travis Perich said...

Jaxon is chaco
jake is maki

Dudebrah -
your a photographic alchemist.

I got kicked out of the circus.